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Eating For Life~Fri 23~09~22 Health-Apply Owners Manual Principle

Health #Health - Quick Vegan Cheese Sauce (Just seven ingredients) 1 cup cashew pieces cooked for a few minutes in 1 cup water 3. Tbs ...

Wednesday 27 February 2019

You know what you do when you plan a journey to a place you've never been before.
The smart principles you employ are the same needed for a better living environment.
With foresight this can be achieved.
Here's a resource I've put together you may find of use.

 This page introduces how I came to pur these areas of interest together

Here's how to apply practical sustainablity.

Friday 15 February 2019

To an Healthier You -February 2019

Hello Reader
 My passion for health promotion was reignited from Croydon Sugar Smart campaign "Fiz Free February."

 This pic shows how I discovered 'eat less and more best principle'.
 A quick fruit salad to view taken at  my sister's ...  Fri 8th Feb 2019.
 How best to drink water?-Half an hour before meals and an hour after...... Nb_/ Video link below provides more details.

I designed this at-a-glance Healthy Lifestyle Plan, March 2018, with my sister in mind.  This revamped plan is from a pilot amongst eighr teaching staff I.n Oxford ..

Here is a study-guide for those who desire sustained results, who recognise need for Divine aid, as I wholeheartedly do.
https://www.croydonadventist.org/sermons/  - OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW

If you are interested in getting more accomplished in less time, you may find the article below of use.

An 'Addiction ....Breaking' resource. Steps .... you can embrace.

Thanks for making time to view my blog. LifePlus is borne purely from: personal experience, research and an interest to empwet, educate on areas that promote life e.g. mental well-being, healthy bodies, sustainable living etc

My aim is to feature content on principles that promote life. That is areas that produce positive results for living.

  Our bodies have been created with such precision and care. I am sure you desire to: know and do all you can to enable its optimum performance?

 It is my prayer and hope you will experience "Life, and life more Abundantly."

Florence Grace Maloney nee  Prendergast
Friday 15th February 2019

A Way To Eat Video recorded Fri 8th Feb 2019